240 Airport Road | Gallatin, TN | 615.230.9500
About Us

The Best Shredders in the Business
G.F. Puhl sells and installs shredders that provide a quick and efficient way to dispose of a wide variety of paper and corrugated scrap. No matter how demanding your production process, our experts will recommend and install a shredding solution to meet your needs. We sell and install the best shredders you can buy, relying on a partnership with industry leading OEMs. For detailed dimensions and specifications for shredders used in G.F. Puhl trim collection systems, visit our Technical Library.
See an example of a G.F. Puhl document destruction system with a Weima shredder in action »
Need more information? Interested in learning more about how a complete G.F. Puhl trim collection system can benefit your operation? Call 615.230.9500 to speak to a G.F. Puhl sales representative or email us.
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